71.  Conservative councillor Heather Scott, who organised the meeting with fellow Park West Tory councillor Charles Smith, said people had expressed strong opposition to the scheme.

72.  Dale Weller, of Whitcliffe Grange, Richmond, said Sturdy had explained to him how to spot counterfeit video tapes.

73.  The pilots were able to search some areas below the fog, but said visibility was almost nil at higher levels.

74.  ROY HODGSON, manager of the Swiss team who lead Group I, said last night that Scotland had done all that was possible against Malta.

75.  Proposals include unifying border controls and penalties on smugglers of immigrants, and a European Migration Charter, said Austrian Interior Minister Franz Loeschnak.

76.  Christopher was transferred to Nottingham and Allitt insisted on accompanying him, said Mr Goldring.

77.  Mr Murphy was celebrating last night with his family -- with non-alcoholic drinks -- and said that he would be returning to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

78.  The British commander, Maj Alan Abraham, decided the situation was getting too dangerous, said Maj Martin Waters, an army spokesman.

79.  THE United States yesterday cancelled talks set for Monday with the European Community over a public procurement dispute and said sanctions were now hard to avoid.

80.  A statement issued by his spokesman, Konstantin Zlobin, said democracy was guaranteed by operating within the constitution, not by issuing presidential decrees.

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