71.  Fashion has little to do with meeting tangible demands.

72.  But those facilities are now too small to meet demand.

73.  It said it would cut the power supply to the national grid if its demands were not met.

74.  Under liquid banks will have insufficient liquidity to meet demands on deposits the next day.

75.  The goldsmiths learnt from experience what proportion of gold reserves they had to keep in order to meet day-to-day demands for gold withdrawals.

76.  This enables the National Central Control to supplement supplies coming ashore in order to meet demands during the coldest of winter days.

77.  To meet this demand the SuperJANET initiative was formed.

78.  Even that budgeted amount was insufficient to meet the demand from teachers wanting to leave the service.

79.  Farmers in one of the most important regions are threatening a strike unless Mr Gorbachov meets their demands for higher prices.

80.  Although they did not torture or assault the ambassador, the abductors threatened to kill him unless their demands were met.

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