71.  A stronger dollar makes it easier for Japanese exporters to lower the prices of their goods overseas.

72.  A stronger peso would lower import prices, slow inflation and ease the way to a cut in interest rates, analysts said.

73.  A strong dollar helps Japanese exporters by allowing them to lower prices abroad.

74.  A stronger dollar bolsters their profits by allowing them to lower their prices abroad.

75.  A stronger dollar boosts profits on products sold abroad and gives Japanese companies more flexibility to gain market share by lowering prices.

76.  A stronger dollar enables Japanese exporters to lower prices in overseas markets and increases dollar denominated revenue when repatriated.

77.  A stronger dollar helps Japanese exporters by allowing them to lower prices in overseas markets and by expanding dollar-denominated profit when repatriated.

78.  A stronger dollar helps Japanese exporters by increasing the yen value of overseas sales and allowing them to lower prices of products sold abroad.

79.  A stronger dollar makes American exports more expensive in Japan, while allowing Japanese exporters to lower prices of their goods in the U.S.

80.  A stronger dollar makes Japanese exporters more competitive by allowing them to lower prices abroad.

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