71.  It sits high on a ridge of apple country land that straddles the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border, with a clear view northwest to the Monadnock Range.

72.  It enhances archival material with impressionistic sequences that refrain from showing clear views of the actors.

73.  Its three windows, while small, had views clear to the Statue of Liberty.

74.  Look south and you get a clear view of Mount Greylock, the highest point in Massachusetts.

75.  Lynch wrote the pilot with no clear view of where the story would go, planning to spin it out over the course of the series.

76.  Lopez was in clear view, swinging like the phenom of yesteryear.

77.  McCaffrey, appointed to the Cabinet-level position by Clinton in February, said both candidates lack a clear view of the problem.

78.  Named after a biblical character who climbed a tree to see Jesus, the Zacchaeus Project hoped to get a clear view of their church.

79.  Mock-ups are a new but increasingly common architectural tool that give clients a clear view of how a room will look inside.

80.  Most investors had a clear view of the direction of interest rates earlier in the year, as a weak economy helped bring yields down.

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