71.  Its purpose is to gather sufficient information to answer questions about magma chambers in oceanic crust.

72.  Let us imagine ourselves as a reader of Penthouse in order to answer this question.

73.  Looking relaxed and confident, the president answered questions from the press.

74.  Many others, such as Victor Hugo, answered that question by going into exile.

75.  Miss McGinley will show you the ropes and answer any questions.

76.  Mr Goldinger has Declined to answer questions or reveal the identities and the losses suffered by dozens of investors.

77.  No one in our family answered direct questions very well.

78.  No one in the city government satisfactorily answered that question.

79.  None the less, simple systems are widely used to do abinitio calculations accurate enough to answer important questions for reasonably complex molecules.

80.  Our staff will be happy to answer your questions should you run into difficulties installing the equipment yourself.

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