61.  He raised questions meant to plant seeds of doubts in the minds of jurors.

62.  The story raises serious questions about our system of justice.

63.  From the outset of the December revolution questions were raised about the background of the personalities who assumed power.

64.  The assassination of the Chamoun family raised questions about the ability, or the readiness, of the Syrian forces to impose law and order in the East.

65.  The incident inevitably raised questions about the feasibility of the SNC convening in Phnom Penh.

66.  The move raised questions over the issue of control in aircraft charter arrangements, which several airlines operated with Vietnam.

67.  However, their length and complexity raised questions as to the appropriateness of existing procedures for such cases.

68.  Fundamental issues in epistemology have also raised questions concerning the limitations of citation analysis.

69.  Working with, while at the same time competing against other schools, raises questions about management which bear on a point made by Rutter et al.

70.  Students of Art History can therefore find themselves confronted with a vast range of historical circumstances which raise important questions and provide revealing insights into the past.

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