61.  Alternatively, judges might become deeply involved in determining budget policy, including whether Social Security or Medicare checks should be stopped.

62.  Although his aides portrayed the speech as adding more substance to his message, Alexander offers no new policy proposals.

63.  Although it was policy for all children to be welcome in council provision, in reality this was highly variable.

64.  Although officials have insisted reform policies to stabilize the economy and further capitalism will remain on track, analysts are skeptical.

65.  Although private transport is also subject to government policy, it will be affected more slowly.

66.  Although she was not a professional politician, her views were influential in shaping government policy.

67.  Although these can be valuable instruments of environmental policy, the application of such requirements to imported products can pose significant difficulties.

68.  Although they knew about the policy, several students wore armbands to school, refused to remove them, and were suspended.

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