61.  In fact, on the barren wind-beaten coast near Yakutat lies the Situk River.

62.  In fact, only football and basketball make money.

63.  In fact, quite possibly the opposite.

64.  In fact, quite to the contrary.

65.  In fact, since January only Prodigy subscribers have been able to leap from their regular on-line service to the Web.

66.  In fact, the country that President Clinton will see this week barely resembles the country that hosted George Bush for the last American presidential visit nine years ago.

67.  In fact, by cutting rates Wednesday, the Fed acted just as many investors were beginning to become optimistic.

68.  In fact, in his opening statement Kornberg said three experts would testify that the injuries were not consistent with an assault.

69.  In fact, investors are cashing out stock mutual fund shares at the highest rate in almost a dozen years.

70.  In fact, many speakers at the meeting, including Ms. Allen and Ms. Knopman, were unpaid and had no corporate or trade-group ties.

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