51.  A new study is replicating and extending the earlier work with a larger group of white-collar workers.

52.  A number of authors, whose work will be considered below, have attempted explanations largely in terms of social class.

53.  A number of models exist which can help to develop a conceptual framework to explain motivation at work.

54.  A parent often must stay home from work to care for the child, she said.

55.  A pocket calculator will do most of the work.

56.  A poor match of work to ability can place children in no win situations.

57.  A professional consultant will make suggestions about the most suitable clients to approach for your particular type of work.

58.  A real joy to see such real craftsmanship and pride in work.

59.  A related economic principle is also at work in conjunction with the principle of substitution.

60.  A related fundamental problem for empirical work in the elite theory tradition is the difficulty of demonstrating that a power relationship exists.

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