51.  Alienism obstructs the progress of deaf people aiming to become professionals in education, because it is subsequently translated into policy.

52.  Alison Petch has undertaken research in a range of social policy areas, in both local authority and university settings.

53.  All have been principally domestic policies.

54.  All have policies allowing women of child-bearing age to transfer to other jobs if they are concerned about health risks.

55.  All shades of political opinion on the committee worked well together elucidating the policies of the industries.

56.  All the hallmarks of his management policy, that were to bring such outstanding results at Arsenal, were there at Huddersfield.

57.  All these problems have been aggravated by mistaken national policies and armed conflicts.

58.  Almost all phases of national policy came under attack at the hearings.

59.  Along with several other recommendations, the welfare policies must be voted on by all the governors in attendance.

60.  Also, the balance of political forces has resulted in the current policy compromise.

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