51.  But while the volume of documentation provided by Stinnett is impressive, he hardly decides the issue once and for all.

52.  By that time, the issue was decided.

53.  Caddell said he would prefer that the gunfire and damages issues be decided by a jury.

54.  Chiles challenged the timing of the override before the state Supreme Court, which has not yet decided the issue.

55.  Commissioners have until late August to decide the issue.

56.  Cohen said she expected that the U.S. Supreme Court would ultimately decide the issue.

57.  Courts could get involved with deciding church issues.

58.  FASB will hold a similar public hearing next week in New York and decide the issue by the end of the year.

59.  For example, he voted to sustain the secrecy of party caucuses where legislative issues are decided.

60.  For the first time citizens would get the right to decide issues by initiative and referendum.

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