51.  After the debate, Albanese tried to address this question without actually criticizing a fellow Democrat.

52.  Bush did not address the question of ongoing Israeli military operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

53.  Burnham also tried to address bigger questions surrounding the company, which has released a stream of warnings about its outlook in recent months.

54.  Bush addressed questions about the surplus during a wide-reaching news conference, his first formal appearance before reporters since starting his monthlong vacation this month.

55.  But Ahmed said it would be difficult to make progress until the Kashmir question is addressed.

56.  But Freeman said yesterday that all his questions have been addressed.

57.  But he has not addressed the question of whether he asked Jordan to help her or what he knew about the assistance she received.

58.  But rather than address questions about job security, as he has done in recent days, Kerrigan said he would decline to answer them in the coming days.

59.  But she and others will be addressing such questions, she said.

60.  But state courts have never addressed the question of whether a dispute over the seeking of capital punishment should trigger a removal.

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