41.  And she involves herself with equal energy in various local charities.

42.  Animals and human volunteers will be maintained at various atmospheric pressures and oxygen concentrations while their biochemistry is monitored.

43.  Ann serves on various local committees.

44.  Another approach is to group together the readers of various right-wing papers and contrast them with readers of left-wing papers.

45.  Another difficulty is that the various methods of measuring the lag are subject to severe criticisms.

46.  Another favourite pastime was planning raids on the various apartments and cars owned by their friends.

47.  Another place for data on companies are newspapers and magazines that rank companies according to various types of financial performance.

48.  Another short blast and the school moved off to the various classrooms.

49.  Apart from the exhibits, work has progressed rapidly on restoring the various buildings to make them usable once again.

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