41.  But neither he nor his flat tax could withstand the media scrutiny and attacks from Dole and much of the Republican establishment.

42.  But not every Republican lawmaker signed off on the call to investigate the display.

43.  But the focus Monday was economics and the effect that the Republican program would have on the high-tech industry.

44.  But the new Republican majority in the Assembly changes the dynamics.

45.  But the Republican governors recoiled from the prospect of reopening the welfare bill for anything.

46.  But when Eisenhower opposed changes in the law, Durkin resigned and accused the Republican president of a double-cross.

47.  By now we know the Republican platform means nothing.

48.  Can he heal the deep divisions among Republican ranks?

49.  Christopher Shays of Connecticut, Republican sponsor of the leading bipartisan bill.

50.  Clinton arrived, of course with a more mundane ambition than his grand Republican predecessor.

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