41.  After retiring, he remained active in educational programs at the laboratory.

42.  After starting out in vaudeville shows, Burns rose to fame with his wife in radio and television programs.

43.  After weighing the cost of the new program against supposed benefits, the directors Decided to cancel the project.

44.  AID-funded program that provides scholarships to girls in the Sharasti Upazila area has demonstrated the same point on a vastly larger scale.

45.  AIDS education can be tied in with existing health education programs.

46.  Alarmingly, the character and quality of these early childhood programs is very inconsistent.

47.  Algebraic laws alone only allow us to prove one occam program equal to another.

48.  All school systems are going to have to make similar innovative arrangements if school-to-work programs are to have a future.

49.  All the expense is incurred during development of a new construction program, rather than in the manufacturing process itself.

50.  All word processing programs can check your spelling.

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