41.  And they could be a more powerful and intrusive problem than any you encountered in the corporate infighting of your previous job.

42.  And under the aegis of the Duke, a powerful protector, Strayhorn was able to live an openly gay life.

43.  And why does it continue to have such a powerful attraction for so many people?

44.  Animals avoid using their most powerful weaponry when fighting other members of their species.

45.  Another aspect of these aims was the powerful attraction of establishing international companies for their own sake.

46.  Any blend of black and country music would have powerful precedents.

47.  Are we simply following some algorithm-no doubt favoured over other less effective possible algorithms by the powerful process of natural selection?

48.  As an ally, Nails was a powerful force.

49.  As capital has become more powerful, it has also sought to dissolve other local monopolies that have hitherto been immune.

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