41.  About every third property boasted a brand-new chain link fence, erected to corral Cod knows what kind of beast.

42.  About two hours every night is spent in light sleep.

43.  Academic excellence was matched with extra-curricular activities of every description - from drama through sport to foreign travel.

44.  According to Cox, nearly one job is lost among subcontractors and small service businesses for every manufacturing job that goes away.

45.  According to some estimates, an acre of forest is cleared every minute.

46.  Across the land, every night, teenagers are yakking online in chat rooms with friends and Net acquaintances.

47.  Actually, every good family has a story of a spectacular plumbing disaster.

48.  Actually, she influenced every Decision I ever made but I always felt she put a barrier between us.

49.  Actually, the travel industry does this every year.

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