31.  And Greenspan may find that he has to raise rates further, and in bigger increments, than he would prefer.

32.  And if even one employee or dependent has an expensive illness, insurers raise the rates steeply for everyone in the company.

33.  And if the economy rebounds faster than the Federal Reserve expects, there is even a chance that the central bank may respond by once again raising rates.

34.  And in a newly deregulated environment, the company will be able to raise phone rates, Matthews said.

35.  And the data could turn out to be a pivotal factor if the Fed decides to raise rates again.

36.  And Republicans, to fulfill their pledge to balance the budget in seven years without raising tax rates, will need every extra billion the IRS can find.

37.  And some analysts had even expected the central bank to raise rates this year to offset the inflationary impact of the latest pay round.

38.  And some are even wondering if the central bank will raise rates at all this year.

39.  And that is why they are raising rates in the busy direction.

40.  And such concerns could spill over to the rest of the region, especially if the Fed decides to raise rates further next month.

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