31.  That raises obvious questions about the priorities of federal drug enforcement agents and prosecutors.

32.  The book raises important questions about nationality and the role of a citizen.

33.  The incident has raised serious questions about police conduct.

34.  The kind of dependence that Marriage creates between adult spouses raises substantive questions of status and power.

35.  The practice also raises questions about the quality of farmed fish, says Pauly.

36.  The succession also raises immediate questions about the qualifications of Westin, who has no news background.

37.  These actions followed a Journal article in August that raised questions about the accuracy of company statements about its business affairs.

38.  These discoveries raise intriguing questions about the relationship between viral genes and the normal genes of the cell.

39.  These operations can save lives, but they raise difficult questions about animal rights.

40.  They are not fundamental criticisms of analysis or method, although they begin to raise wider questions about theoretical approaches.

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