31.  Another important influence will be the construction sub-index within the CPI, which is heavily weighted and has been pushing up prices overall for a year, he said.

32.  As a result, capital is flooding into the market, increasing competition and pushing up prices and cutting returns.

33.  As a result, capital is flooding into the market, increasing competition, pushing up prices and cutting returns.

34.  As frequently happens when stocks are suffering, the relative safety of fixed-income investments led traders to push bond prices higher.

35.  As prices fall, actual or rumored selling by Magellan pushes prices down further.

36.  As the shorts scramble to buy stock and replace it, they push the price up further.

37.  At its very best, the argument goes, regulation works by preventing monopolists from pushing prices above costs.

38.  At a time when grape shortages and skyrocketing demand have pushed up prices for premium California wines, availability of stock is a concern, particularly for smaller stores.

39.  At the same time, they are succeeding in reducing inflation, a force that has traditionally pushed the price of gold higher.

40.  Avid savers even in boom times, Japanese consumers have reacted to recession by snapping their wallets shut, pushing prices down and driving retailers to the wall.

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