31.  A policy worthy of the suspicion of benign neglect.

32.  A range of policy innovations were needed to overcome or to moderate the urban problems.

33.  A replacement policy for fuel injection pumps.

34.  A significant fertility Decline has also been recorded, most of it attained before the enactment of the one-child policy.

35.  A similarly circular process has been under way in several areas of foreign and domestic policy.

36.  A successful no-policy policy requires a great deal of integrity on the part of management.

37.  A systems approach to budgeting that focuses on the outcomes and objectives of government policy can not avoid controversy.

38.  A transport policy which advocates private cars is not a policy which protects the environment.

39.  About four years ago, Mr Rafsanjani shifted to the right, voicing the reformist policies that the post-war era craved.

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