31.  Washington could get a lift in employment this year as Boeing increases production to meet worldwide demand for airplanes.

32.  Yet within a month it had received additional funding and increased sessions and would be able to meet demands previously unattainable.

33.  New industries generally grow up in order to meet a demand.

34.  The rebels made it clear that they would not hand over the hostages unless their demands were met.

35.  They threatened to take up arms against the government if their demands were not met.

36.  The company increased production to meet demand.

37.  The workers said they would not end the strike until their demands were met.

38.  Kaunda claimed that he feared bloodshed and disorder if the demands for reform were not met.

39.  Transport and communications infrastructure was improved, but still could not meet increased demand.

40.  The rally dispersed peacefully after around six hours having elected a strike committee, which threatened to call a general strike if their demands were not met.

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