21.  Almost all big paper makers said they are reducing production as they try to keep supplies from flooding the market and depressing prices.

22.  Ali Naimi, the Saudi oil minister, suggested last week that members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries should start reducing their production.

23.  Bush also castigated Gore for making the suggestion after being quoted last winter as saying OPEC could easily undercut a reserve withdrawal by reducing crude oil production.

24.  But Hanawa shied away from saying the company would close a plant or production line, saying it could also merely reduce production at various plants.

25.  But if peace efforts fail in Colombia, he said, the progress made in reducing coca production in the Andean countries will suffer.

26.  But the Montgomery analysts say the studios are bluffing and that even if some majors do actually reduce production, others such as DreamWorks SKG will fill the void.

27.  Compulsive neatening reduces carbohydrate production because sunlight cannot get to all the leaf surfaces.

28.  Current prostate cancer drugs, such as Lupron from Takeda, work by initially increasing testosterone, which has the effect of prompting the body to then reduce production.

29.  Cool temperatures reduce chlorophyll production, and as it breaks down, the yellows and oranges of other chemicals show through.

30.  Cotton dropped as the weekend rain fell across West Texas, easing drought conditions that delayed planting and threatened to reduce production.

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