21.  The western rising was prompted largely by religious conservatism, although an attempt to limit the number of servants a gentleman might have had social overtones.

22.  Even the attempt to limit the number of members each guild or craft might have on the council did not curb the power of the greater companies.

23.  When string ensembles played in four parts, as they sometimes did if circumstances limited the number of players available, they simply left out the quinte.

24.  The court should not limit the number of medical expert witnesses dealing with liability or order disclosure of their reports prior to trial.

25.  The authority wants to revamp the site to meet new social services guidelines limiting the number of people in each bungalow from eight to six.

26.  The improved practices at the Central Statistical Office will also limit the number of ministers and officials with access to the figures prior to their official publication.

27.  Also, legislation that would limit the number of basketball scholarships a school can award over a two-year period is designed to curb the number of transfers.

28.  American doctors may soon face peer pressure to limit the number of embryos they transfer during in vitro fertilization.

29.  Among those measures are limiting the number of people who enter Kigali carrying the disease, which is why Doctors Without Borders has set up the field hospital here.

30.  Analysts warned the staff turmoil could slow the approval process for new share sales and limit the number of companies that can go public this year.

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