21.  And because enforcement increased the price of drugs, Sperling said, users were forced to commit crimes to get the money.

22.  And with inflation low, many of these companies have lost their power to increase prices.

23.  And those who offer those solutions will be swamped with demand, causing them to increase their prices.

24.  Another negative side effect of abolishing fat is that all-you-can-eat restaurants would either go out of business or have to dramatically increase their prices.

25.  Any reduction in financing needs by the government is seen in the long run as increasing prices and lowering yields.

26.  Arbitragers are in an interesting position because Moore is refusing to increase its price right now.

27.  As a result, these companies may be forced to increase prices or decrease hiring plans, he said.

28.  At first, increasing the use of renewable fuels might increase gasoline prices, said Steve Mahfood, director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

29.  Before the fund incurs a deficit, the government is supposed to increase oil prices.

30.  BICC also hopes to increase prices in some businesses with low margins.

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