21.  As a result of the alleged embezzlement, the bank will have less funds to retire the bad debt.

22.  As you can see, I have many funds in my portfolio, picked with little rhyme or reason.

23.  At Fidelity, for example, clients with Enhanced Ultra Service accounts have eight funds to choose from.

24.  At the same time, some local biotech firms will try to determine if they have sufficent funds to stay independent, get acquired or continue to pursue partnerships.

25.  Banex has three funds, while Bancaracas has none.

26.  After all, they had funds from the state, and more than enough candidates to choose from.

27.  Both sides have ample funds to throw at advertising campaigns and lobbyists.

28.  But cities have contingency funds for emergencies.

29.  But at least he had ample funds to get his name and message out to the voters.

30.  But Russia may not have the funds.

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