21.  Now is the time to look at how some theories specifically address the question of development within the global system.

22.  Twenty consecutive patients with AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis have therefore been studied to address these questions.

23.  It does not address the question of the establishments of regional committees of sections.

24.  It does not address the question of establishing regional conferences within the section in order that delegates can be elected to the national conferences.

25.  The risks and benefits of adding intravenous heparin to aspirin and thrombolysis are unknown and will remain so until trials are done to address this question adequately.

26.  The next section addresses this question by discussing the relative merits of a currency union over an exchange rate union.

27.  Er, yes I will invite Mr Perry to address the question of cost.

28.  To address this question, we expressed in bacteria the biologically important regions of the human c-Jun protein for use in in vitro kinase reactions.

29.  Although the Mitchell commission addressed the question of weapons held by Protestant paramilitary groups, the greater focus has been on the Irish Republican Army.

30.  American legal experts agree that no U.S. court has yet addressed the question of Internet linking.

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