11.  The couple held hands, the hearing officer remembered, and seemed intent on resolving the issue short of a criminal prosecution.

12.  The issue was resolved by an act of quarantine.

13.  The Profitboss will always investigate the complaint, putting personal time, effort and resource into resolving the issue.

14.  We believe the key to customer satisfaction is to provide speedy access to those best placed to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

15.  Civic leaders powwowed for hours trying to resolve the issue.

16.  The government avoided a war by successfully resolving the issues through diplomacy.

17.  Reports in April suggested, however, that the negotiations had failed to resolve outstanding issues, including provisions relating to air- and sea-launched long-range missiles.

18.  While welcoming his release the Mexican authorities stressed that it did not resolve the issues surrounding his abduction.

19.  Resolving these issues without generating revolts on the part of the gentry or the peasantry required a balancing act which tested the regime to the limits.

20.  Afterwards, the Foreign Secretary, Douglas Hurd, said Britain would propose that talks moved into a more intensive phase to resolve outstanding issues.

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