11.  Barak has rejected both demands, but Israeli press reports that he was prepared to make sizable territorial concessions had contributed to his pre-summit political woes.

12.  A federal judge has rejected a demand by IBM to remove himself from an antitrust case against the company.

13.  Akashi rejected this demand.

14.  Both men, Communications Minister Luiz Carlos Mendonca de Barros and National Development Bank president Andre Lara Resende have denied any wrongdoing and rejected demands that they resign.

15.  But he also signaled that he would reject demands for new elections in Chiapas, insisting that the law must be upheld.

16.  But he declined to speculate on the motives of the Yugoslav leader, who has rejected NATO demands that he cease hostilities against the ethnic Albanian separatists of Kosovo.

17.  But it would reject Iraqi demands to return to Baghdad the control over money Iraq earns from oil sales.

18.  But Republicans appear to be holding firm in rejecting this demand.

19.  But the administration has repeatedly rejected demands by the GAO, which is pursuing a broad investigation that focuses on policy making in the White House.

20.  But that stance drew a sharp response from a larger religious group that rejected such demands.

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