11.  A magazine about home and family apparently does not pose serious editorial concerns to the company.

12.  A major concern is whether the financial conditions of eligibility for representation are too restrictive.

13.  A major concern, he said, is that many sky divers use canopies that are too small to support their weight.

14.  A more immediate concern is the danger that a monumental scientific advance could be commercialised.

15.  A more thorough review of statutory requirements in line with the Government concern to reduce burdens on industry has been announced.

16.  A number of the firms express concern at the length of the proposed report.

17.  A primary concern of building inspectors is fire safety.

18.  A series of articles and television shows publicized concerns that the chemical Alar, used to keep apples red and firm, could cause cancer.

19.  Abstraction and disinterest were prized over concern, or even fitness with the real world.

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