11.  A very much smaller advertising campaign was therefore mounted in the press and on commercial television.

12.  Accounts by military and civilian air-traffic officials agreed the commercial airliner had received proper permission to traverse the zone.

13.  Actions were begun by the employing newspapers alleging nuisance, intimidation, harassment, and interference with commercial contracts.

14.  Additional information includes tables of weights and measures and basic and commercial information on individual countries.

15.  After all most of us are accustomed with commercial television to having our viewing interrupted for advertisement breaks.

16.  After all, they have to take business Decisions and use sport as part of a commercial product.

17.  After being primarily a research technology, parallel hardware now seems to be making inroads in the commercial Market.

18.  After dabbling in commercial ventures from within Titan for nearly four years, the company took a bold new step.

19.  After Glass-Steagall most people became commercial bankers.

20.  Agriculture is the main rural industry, though commercial forestry has traditionally also been important.

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