91.  Each school received figures showing how the total sum available to them had been allocated under different headings.

92.  Edmonton recovered less than half its total annual costs from electricity sales last year, as you say.

93.  Employees and contractors have been given preferential treatment and get the total amount applied for.

94.  Essentially the series is a weighted average of the share of total assets that different financial institutions were permitted to invest overseas.

95.  Even electricity demand, which has historically grown faster than total energy demand, Decreases in two of the five scenarios.

96.  Even on the issue of biblical interpretation, the concept of a total separation would be too crude.

97.  Everything I do in future I will tackle with total concentration and self-assurance, and I will do it well.

98.  Everywhere there is a total lack of understanding about hygiene, antisepsis, and the importance of sanitation.

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