91.  And of course, that little shit has no right to try and ambush me or get me with a booby trap!

92.  And the Food and Drug Administration has asserted that it has the right to limiting tobacco advertising.

93.  And the revolution in the structure of services and management meant elderly frail people found it increasingly difficult to assert their rights.

94.  And the struggle is more than a mere sideshow on the right.

95.  And to some other friends, I would go further and talk about the right to strike.

96.  And trust to luck that whichever of the gods claimed him as of right would be in a forgiving mood.

97.  And we bear the glorious stars for the Union and the right, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom!

98.  Animal rights activists and fox-hunters clashed at the annual Boxing Day hunt.

99.  Animal rights activists are believed to have carried out the bomb attack.

100.  Animal rights campaigners blame the latest set of bomb attacks on the lunatic fringe within the movement.

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