91.  But adjustment went on all the same because it was the only way of making yourself tolerate a condition which you loathed.

92.  But Alice was the only one of the Pritchetts who had, from all accounts, risen above her station in life.

93.  But although the sensationally styled Calibra sets the trend, it is by no means the only exponent of the field.

94.  But for Aristotle and his followers, the belief held that the only knowledge we can acquire originates in sense-perceptions.

95.  But geometrical figures are not the only modes, and so are not the only things whose real essences we can know.

96.  But goat glands were by no means his only forte.

97.  But government intervention is not the only way to cope with the problem of socially inefficient resource allocation due to externalities.

98.  But is this the only way in which a complicated and highly structured civilization can evolve?

99.  But it appears that pricing is not the only problem affecting investors in the Dumenil group.

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