91.  For Seagram and other companies, that also means limiting the number of employees allowed to attend particular meetings, sometimes by substituting video and audio conferences.

92.  Fortunately for his opponents, he worked a lot, and that limited the number of tournaments he entered.

93.  From leash laws to legislation to curb dangerous animals to regulations limiting the number of dogs per household, canine questions are the new hot button of local politics.

94.  Frederick W. Smith, chairman and CEO of FEDEX Corp., said the federal government needs to limit the number of flights at hub airports at peak hours.

95.  Government rules sharply limited the number of branches foreign banks could open in many countries, and what services they could provide.

96.  Having to build facilities may limit the number of cities that can host this.

97.  He agreed with other experts, who said the only means available to limit the number of attacks is increased intelligence.

98.  He banned television and still cameras from the courtroom, limiting the flow of information, which in turn limited the number of media outlets interested in showing up.

99.  He also proposed that instead of limiting their number of missiles, the United States and the Soviet Union actually reduce their arsenals of such weapons.

100.  He has fought to limit the number of poor children eligible for Medicaid.

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