91.  Access offers phone-in service to people who have questions about health problems and who want to know if they should see a doctor immediately.

92.  Actually, the Suns have numerous questions.

93.  After he had answered questions about his team and his players for maybe an hour, he was asked if he had any questions.

94.  After being kicked on his butt for the umpty-umpth time, he had a question for Milloy.

95.  After the commissioner and the chief spoke, the commanders were asked if anyone had any questions.

96.  After the daylong hearing, the members had more questions for Payne and Young.

97.  After the prosecutors assured her that they had new questions, the judge let them go ahead.

98.  After the game, Allison still had unanswered questions about the team even though it is playing its best hockey of the frustrating season.

99.  After the favorable questioning by defense lawyers had ended, Warner, the lead prosecutor, said that he had no questions.

100.  After you finally squeeze inside, you have a question.

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