91.  Chances are, we face pressures at our destination.

92.  Clarke also faces pressure from many economic bodies that think fiscal policy should play a role in curbing consumer demand.

93.  Clinton and congressional leaders will also face pressure from bond investors to balance the federal budget by taking at least a partial step toward controlling rising government health costs.

94.  Clinton will face increasing pressure to end or escalate the bombing.

95.  CNN faces other pressures as well.

96.  Coincidentally, Samsung also faces financial pressures because of the slowdown in the South Korean economy.

97.  Colombian president Ernesto Samper faces mounting pressure from his own Liberal party to improve protection for candidates ahead of the elections next month.

98.  Companies require more financing because they face pressure to expand overseas sooner.

99.  Corn and soybeans futures faced continued pressure as rains in Argentina and Brazil helped crops there.

100.  Companies managing Medicare benefits would face similar pressures from drugstores.

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