21.  Of course it is absolutely unhistorical; of course it is empty of character, and replete with fustian, and ineffably tedious; but perhaps it is not much worse than other luckier tragedies of the age.

22.  " Of course to continue such a dialogue would have been tedious and unprofitable, and I let it go, and took the consequences.

23.  A landing-net is a tedious thing to carry, so is a creel, and a creel is, to me, a superfluity.

24.  [These Introductory Chapters have been a good deal censured as tedious and unnecessary.

25.  The company broke up about eleven; and not judging it convenient to anticipate the time appointed, he went into his chamber to kill the tedious hour, perhaps with some amusing book, or some other way.

26.  The dots representing the seeds upon a strawberry could be stitched in afterwards in this way, for to insert them while the work is going on would be very tedious.

27.  After more than an hour of tedious waiting they perceived that they had not even chairs to sit upon.

28.  Savages, in all countries, have patience proportionate to their unskilfulness, and are content to attain their end by very tedious methods.

29.  The civility and respect which we found at every place, it is ungrateful to omit, and tedious to repeat.

30.  Or that I study not the tedious laws; And prostitute my voice in every cause?

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