61.  At one point I considered the possibility that we could live on and evolve in another realm much like our species has evolved on earth.

62.  We are seriously considering the possibility of divorce now.

63.  We consider the possibility of promotions and the likelihood that your income would go up as you climb the corporate ladder.

64.  We have to consider the possibility that perfectly rational people can get caught up in a bubble.

65.  We have to realistically consider the possibility that, for whatever reason, he doesn't.

66.  We need to consider the possibility that we could be look!

67.  We need to consider the possibility that we could be looking at several new territories and we could go to each.

68.  What if the guy really was just flirting and didn't even consider the possibility that his approach would freak her out?

69.  What you need do is consider the possibilities.

70.  When he briefly considers the possibility of fulfilling his acquaintance, Mme.

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