31.  Comparing with western countries, Chinese people have weaker sense of legal system, of law.

32.  It is necessary to establish legal system in order to clarify the legal statur of euthanasia and to prevent any crime committed in desguise of euthanasia.

33.  Consequently there were no standardized law for legal basis and frequent occurence of denial of justice.

34.  Nowadays, situation need to change in a direction of amplifying the legal system.

35.  But if euthanasia is legal, my grandaunt could have lessened more pains both physically and mentally.

36.  As long as it is consented by the patient himself and his family together with the legal proof of his incurableness, euthanasia should be approved.

37.  Is it legal or illegal?

38.  Why China can't make it legal?

39.  In China, euthanasia is also quietly practised in some urban areas of China although it lacks legal protection for the death option.

40.  Many countries have adopted its legalization, while in China, though euthanasia is quietly practised in some urban areas, it still lacks legal protection for the death option.

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