21.  Oh, By the way, they aren't common monkey .

22.  Because the communication of the news by telephone is very common now, hence the world is becoming more and more smaller.

23.  Secondly, the vital factor to me is that I am lack of money, and time, and this is a common problem, too.

24.  Most of us have certain kinds of bad habits, such as smoking, lazy drinking, being late for classes, to name only a few, are all common practice among colledge students .

25.  Comperation is a common phenomenon in our social life.

26.  We have common interests.

27.  Cheating is a common phenomenon at school.

28.  Being late for classes, staying in bed until lunch time on Sundays playing truant, smoking, drinking,gambling, to name only a few, are all common practice among college students.

29.  The old man always is experienced in life and always have a common mind to the life.

30.  Because I thought my common language is good.

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