

See Also:
old may 6.74 The young and the educated, for example, may emphasize the former, the old may, however stress the latter.
coherent may 3.37 What people have learned from a narrow focus may internally logically coherent but maybe irrelevant or fallacious in the framework from a broader enough perspective.
cybernetic may 3.37 So changing a man into a cybernetic may sound not bad, and that's why some people hold the opinion that human will finally become robots.
difficult may 3.37 Some basis subjects like maths, may a little difficult for some students.
disabled may 3.37 Sports is a very dangerous occupation, because either in practice or in the game, will be disabled may.
done may 3.37 As a result, those who try to copy what Jobs has done may never be another Steve Jobs.
due may 3.37 It is broadly true that "women generally do not think of their looks in the same way that men do" This may due to some genetic reasons and also the different dolls that boys and girls play with as the author believes.
even may 3.37 Experience from outside may even cause a brainstorm in some fields.
former may 3.37 If this became true, the former may couldn't read poem or novel, and the latter couldn't replace the old light bull by a new one.
found may 3.37 She did research on this and found may evidences, trying to prove that it has been a big problem.