

See Also:
different field 129.55 There have been many capable women; they've done splendid jobs in different fields.
special field 51.82 He can make full use of his limited effort on his special field.
a field 38.87 generally we thought if we practise much in a certain field or about a kind of skill we will do better.
many field 38.87 many other fields also elevated.
specific field 38.87 In sports, football, basketball and rugby are all worldly professionalized In business, almost all positions are assigned to persons that specialize in specific fields.
economic field 25.91 It is also right in economic field.
ideological field 25.91 But placing it in ideological fields, this point can not be firm, because you can't find some prooves to prove it.
medical field 25.91 In recent years, with the developement of science, the medical field had many progress.
new field 25.91 First, they like to challenge with a new field.
same field 25.91 If some one can't not work in the same field, he will get little achievement or fail.