91.   Embarrassed and fearful her confidentiality would not be respected, Adamski said she left.

92.   Elks said she then noisily cleared her throat.

93.   Even the head of the local NOW chapter said she believed Cordero deserved a chance to make a living.

94.   Even on the Democratic turf Mrs. Clinton visited, several voters said she would have to work for their support.

95.   Feinstein said she and other senators opposing the requirement will offer more amendments next week.

96.   Ferraro had been vacationing in St. Croix, where she had said she and her family would make a final decision about her political future.

97.   Farmer said she and Darlene Cuddy stayed at the Manassas house so they could sell it.

98.   Flannery, who wore a silk shirt patterned with brown English setters, said she and her husband knew they wanted to collect art.

99.   Finn says she and her mother agreed to vote for each other.

100.   Flavin said she and her colleagues felt they need more time to consider the proposals, but she also questioned whether there is need for major changes to CAR.

v. + she >>共 1087
take 2.77%
see 1.94%
kill 1.69%
tell 1.46%
rape 1.23%
find 1.22%
help 0.98%
know 0.98%
treat 0.96%
call 0.96%
say 0.95%
say + r. >>共 51
that 18.44%
it 15.58%
what 15.00%
he 10.81%
nothing 6.64%
something 4.76%
anything 4.56%
same 2.98%
this 2.90%
which 2.53%
she 2.44%
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