61.   Bond investors regarded that report as fresh evidence that economic turmoil abroad is slowing the U.S. economy.

62.   Both came to regard art as a form of social action.

63.   Both he and Schneiderman said Wednesday that they did not regard Feiffer as part of the old guard.

64.   Both regard the press as an inconvenience.

65.   Both tour operators stress the need to regard the trip as an adventure.

66.   Bowie urges readers to regard immortality as their birthright and to stop feeling guilty about wanting it.

67.   Brando instinctively regarded directors as enemies.

68.   A cult following that regards the doughnut as gourmet food has helped make the North Carolina company a Wall Street darling.

69.   A shy, secretive man, Bodmer regarded the library as a sanctuary where he could study his books and build his collection.

70.   A seemingly endless debate persists between those who regard music as a branch of physics and those who see it as the artistic product of inspired but inexplicable minds.

v. + n + as + n >>共 814
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identify 2.31%
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