61.   Over and over again he would read out my favourite stories, sometimes with deliberate mistakes for me to correct.

62.   Perhaps this was deliberate, in order to obscure the prices which were as spectacular as the Decor.

63.   Poirot, always deliberate and methodical, made a list of all the possible suspects.

64.   Private pension scheme tax concessions grew as part of deliberate policy.

65.   Rape as an act of war-a conscious, deliberate act of war.

66.   She employed a relentless, deliberate, upward emotionalism that would have left Norman Vincent Peale feeling mild depression.

67.   Sneers, deliberate and calculated to provoke a response that would betray his position.

68.   Some customers pursue a deliberate policy of delaying payment.

69.   Substantial sums have been spent in the deliberate search for medicinal plants, and they have seldom been rewarded.

70.   The Archbishop of Canterbury warned of the deliberate worship of evil through spiritualism and the occult.

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