21.   After debate the team concluded that they had to grin and bear it rather than descend into paranoia.

22.   After fifteen months of heated debate, Billingham was abandoned.

23.   After furious debate, the legislature defeated the bill.

24.   After much debate and fascinating reading, the panel drew up its final list of the first set of National Certificate prizewinners.

25.   After the debate, they dined on hamburgers and talked sports at a local joint before catching a train back to Washington.

26.   After three hours of drinking and lounging, highlighted by a few minutes of debate, we Decide unanimously to leave immediately.

27.   After two hours of debate the synod voted overwhelmingly to receive the report and moved on to detailed discussion of the legislation.

28.   All Nottinghamshire Conservative Members were present at that debate, and they voted against the Bill.

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