11.   A real injury crisis like this can devalue the game.

12.   A summit meeting of OPEC leaders was called to find a solution to the oil crisis.

13.   A thousand and one domestic crises can intrude on your office hours if your office is in your home.

14.   A violent, enduring mythology is activated to make sense of immediate socio-political crisis and fear.

15.   A well researched, highly readable account of the debt crisis.

16.   According to the organisers, both races rely on military assistance, which could not be guaranteed in the present crisis.

17.   Advisers said Arroyo will focus initially on reinvigorating the economy, battered by the political crisis.

18.   Against this backdrop, a crisis was brewing in Britain.

19.   All are afflicted with a rise in overcrowded classrooms, teacher layoffs, and the other crises that accompany financial cutbacks.

20.   All three of them were adults now, supposedly able to cope with the crises life flung at them.

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