1.   A linesman had his flag up so the kick did not count.

2.   A spell checker, word count feature and thesaurus are all included and the program can handle headers and footers.

3.   Abbado is also a joy, and Barenboim I would now count as a personal friend.

4.   After that he no longer bothered to keep count.

5.   Again they will count and record the number of drops.

6.   Amongst its alumni, the school can count the Nobel prize-winning physicist Ernest Walton.

7.   And after his death, it never occurred to anyone that Maybe one day the government would count the ballots.

8.   And how generous was the young count, to loan his auto to Papa for our family needs.

9.   And it has a billion armchair critics, so clothes do count.

10.   And Magic can count on more pitfalls before his team is back to prominence again.

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