71.   Education is not considered the sole responsibility of the schools.

72.   Ervin is likewise considered a world-class horn player in constant demand.

73.   Except for Brown and Young, all of the other injured players are considered probable for the Saints game.

74.   Exceptionally, candidates with other qualifications will be considered for admission to the course.

75.   Experts consider his finest achievement to be the West Pier, with its elegant cast-iron kiosks, railings, and windscreens.

76.   Few authorities consider that short-term emission reduction options can prevent the first stage of a smog occurring.

77.   Finally he considers the part education should play.

78.   Finally, causes of increased intake or production of potassium must be considered.

79.   Finally, the difficulties of devising appropriate services in a multiracial society are also considered.

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